
Building SlimeVR Trackers for Full Body Tracking

⚠️ 🚧 This page is WIP, but actively updated while I wait for things to ship! 🚧 ⚠️ Goal To build a Full body set of trackers: 7 trackers 3 extensions Parts List & Prices NOTE: Some extra components were purchased in case of defects Main parts from AliExpress: 10 D1 Mini for 20.53$ 13 BMI 160 for 18.99$ 10 18650 Battery chargers for 6.81$ Keep in mind that this will also work for regular LIPO batteries See battery section for explanation Small parts from AliExpress: 10 pack of DPDT 2P2T Panel Mount Switches for 2.

Hosting websites with Fargate ECS

Context - How my Websites have been Hosted in the Past A very straight forward setup that lent itself well so keeping costs low and which may inspire you to also use a similar setup should you want to host your own website with a Fargate cluster: Infrastructure Maintained with Terraform Single EC2 machine A security group for SSH and web ingress, as well as HTTPS egress Elastic IP attached A record’s in route53 pointing to the Elastic IP Software Required for this Setup Nginx as a reverse proxy which pointed to all the HTML/CSS/JS required for each website The config for this was usually hand written then deployed with Ansible.

Making Alfajores

Ingredients Flour - 1 Cup Don’t worry about packing this down when measuring Corn Starch - 1 Cup Don’t worry about packing this down when measuring Powered Sugar - 6 Tbsp. Unsalted butter - 200 g. ➡ 220 g. Make sure the butter is soft and cut into chunks for when you mix it Steps Sift together all the dry ingredients into a large bowl.

Making Cola

Taste I’m ignoring carbonation since everyone is going to probably use something different. However, I used a Soda Stream set to 2 which gave me a very fine carbonation and a very nice head when poured over ice. Taste wise this is going to be very flowery, cinnamon-y, cola. Ingredients Makes 4 cups of syrup total. Amount Item 1 tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp Nutmeg 1 tsp Coriander 1 tbsp Brown Sugar 1/2 tsp Anise 1/2 tsp Citric Acid 2 Oranges worth of zest 1 Lemon worth of zest 2 Cups Water 2 Cups Sugar Process Mix the following together:

Nvidia Drivers on Debian Sid

Packages you need To detect the right type of driver to install apt repositories have a package called nvidia-detect which I recommend running first. In my case running a GTX 2060 I had to install the generic nvidia-driver package Before you install the driver package! Grab the apt package nvidia-xconfig. If you’re like me and never bothered to an /etc/X11/xorg.conf this will write out a config for you that should, just werk.

NY Egg Cream and DragonFruit Soda

Preface I’m aware of how these two have nothing to do with each other but here’s my ramblings on how this went and what I learned making them anyway. Dragon Fruit Syrup - Used for the Soda Heads up this is a very mild flavored soda and thus I recommend using using the syrup more as a dye since basically anything/everything will overpower its flavor. Ingredients 1/4 Cup White Sugar

Building my Blog with Hugo

For a while now I’ve been using pandoc and a combination of shell scripts to build and deploy my site via a gitlab CI/CD pipeline. Given that I want to start sharing my site to more people I realized I need a way to generate some meta data for each page. In order to this I have to somehow: Tag each page with meta data that other sites can look at Make sure the build system is aware of this new meta-data Inserting meta data into posts and page source code isn’t too hard but there is the problem of standardizing a format which meets my criteria of:

Lewdlad: The Little Chronjob that could

Lewdlad: the little Chronjob that could What is “Lewdlad” Lewdlad is a Discord chat bot I created which (at the time of writing this) is used to orchestrate multiple AWS EC2 servers which run different game servers(Minecraft, Reflex, Hexxit, etc). Some history The first version of Lewdlad was a Python script that would literally pick random images from a set of red boards on 4chan and send it to a random person.

Setting up OBS

Setting up OBS - for people with better stuff to do This is going to be a very casual post so don’t expect huge a Before anything Make sure you have hardware encoding enabled; especially if you have a dedicated GPU. You can find this setting under Output -> Encoder Setup a hotkey for muting your microphone Hotkeys -> Mix/Aux [Mute+Unmute]. I personally use Ctrl + Shift + Space, also these two are coupled together so they are always the same(thank me later when).

High Spec Logging on Low Spec Hardware

High Spec Logging on Low Spec Hardware Being a server admin with a ramen noodle budget my servers aren’t super fancy however, I still need logging to make sure I know what’s going on to fix things. This means that if I want logging I have to use things that are as minimal as possible. I’ve used journald logs for a while now and frankly I’m completely over reading non-essential[1] logs via ssh, especially when there’s huge dumps of data to sift through.

Using Gitlab CI For VPS and Neocites Deployment

Using Gitlab CI For VPS and Neocites Deployment I’ll make this one short: Deploying to a VPS is pretty easy when its already configured with Nginx to serve static content, but Neocities is a slight worse pain. Several scripts later I’ve figured out how to 100% automate pushing to both. Docker A few notes about this docker file: Could be made way smaller if using Alpine Setting up Pandoc on alpine is way more effort on Alpine because you have to compile it yourself as its not in the official Alpine repos

Making Ice Cream at Home

Making Ice Cream at Home NOTE: While I don’t use an ice cream maker, I do suggest a hand mixer but this can be done with as little as a fork/spoon to mix things(doing that sucks though). So here’s what I used to make the pic below: Recipe Base 2 Cups / 475 mL -> Heavy Cream 1 Cup / 237 mL -> Evaporated Milk 3/4 Cup / 177 mL -> Sugar

Markdown Transpiler Thingy

Markdown to HTML A while back I made gensite a static site generator that was built with pandoc users in mind. Along with the main script I packaged another script which is a (I think) full markdown to html translator. It uses mostly coreutil things like perl, echo, sed, and grep so it’s pretty portable to most systems. Oh and it’s built with Bash; though I’m probably going to updated it to run with Dash, a very strict POSIX shell to make it even more compatible.

Segmented Routes

Segmenting & Optimizing Realistic Routes Finally after a few weeks of practicing I took some time to segment the route that I’ve been working on for bhop_bochadick. Something which I have a really bad habit of not doing. Unlike a lot of other maps I’ve tried running in the past this one doesn’t really get old and the rng in the run is pretty bearable. Apart from the route being fun there’s also a few reset points, where if I lose time or fail it doesn’t mean the run is completely over/results in +30.

A Quick Bhop Route Showcase

Neat Route Short post that I’ve been wanting to make about a run I’m working on Some optimizations in this route are the entrance through the teleporter at the start. Instead of falling to the left and then hitting the first boot I take a small speed loss to always hit the booster. Potentially I could save some air time if after the red platform I hit the second booster which gives less height to the thirds booster in that section, but the difference is minimal and I’m too lazy to make the flick consistently.

DWM > i3

A month in DWM - Moving forward with my setup For about a year and half I’ve been using i3wm as my daily driver under Debian and I’ve loved it thus far. But after a while it started to get old and I wanted something new without having to distro-hop. DWM interested me as its memory usage footprint is tiny compared to i3wm and follows the suckless philosophy which I found interesting and appreciate more and more.

Rewrites and this site

Rewrites For the sake of rewriting things Finally after so long I came back to make this site look a little bit better since I never had a theme in mind. I’m still changing up the theming a bit but this time around it should hopefully be a bit more modern. Still no non-free javascript tho \:D/. In fact at the moment there is literally 0 lines of javascript which actually runs on the site right now.

Bash is weird sometimes

Bash is weird sometimes Bash is actually pretty nice but is… weird sometimes. Take this for instance: alias v='vim' This is an actual bind I use daily however if you don’t have tab-completion setup for vim you know that tab-completion usually results in: vim myFi<tab> cd: too many arguments bash: cd: too many arguments As fun as that is to deal with(it’s not) apparantly that bind I mentioned earlier fixes this issue completely.

Qutebrowser is /comfy/

A Taste of QuteBrowser I finally sat down and started fully using Qutebrowser and to be honest, it’s great. I had tried using it before but I never bothered to learn how to to use it nor did I try to rice it to be liking. However there are two things which came be a pleasant surprise about the browser: No ricing past basic setup involved for comfortable use There were way more /comfy/ reasons to like this over other browsers I’m was Chromium user for a while since the adblocking and extension support was ultra convinient for me to take advantage of, and it let’s me sync things together across devices, somthing about being a good goy here.

First Foray into Big Projects

Quake Champions Academy Back from the Dead Finally after nearly a year I’ve started working on my Quake Chamions Academy project again but this time I have some specific goals in mind besides just, run lots of community events. Some Background First Quake Champions Academy is a discord server/community that I set up about a year ago when QC(Quake Champions) went into the open beta with the initial inention of using the server to host 2v2 tournaments every weekend.

This time for real

All done setting up Finally after some struggling with various git clients and learning to use some new tools the source code for this website is finally up and hosted on Gitlab. Link to website source code tbf i stiill need to work on the bash script to auto build stuff Now what? This would have gone by more quickly if it wasn’t for the fact that I have recently decided to switch off of GitKraken since it uses a proprietary license.

Website Contruction Philosophy

No Non-free JS here To explain succintly, I don’t like Javascript, especially considering how much power it has on a user’s browser. Namely the issue being that while it used to mainly be focused around making websites look pretty it now also serves to execute malicious code; luckily I don’t think that is too common but that fact alone makes JS for me, something which should be avoided. It’s JS’s non-free abilities which I don’t like and is why I am not going to be using it for any of my projects, unless it is a client-side only project where it is running on some local server.

Mapping in Reflex

Mapping Again Link to the map I discuss here FeverStrafe To clear up some confusion, feverStrafe is a Reflex Race map I made a few months ago but never got around to finishing due to some issues with time, and motivation. After a few months I came back to see what I had made so far and realized if this was to ever be release worthy it would have to go through a through cleaning.

Carry On PC

Carry On PC I use my PC for… well pretty much everything. Which means if I go somewhere for a few weeks at a time, my PC is coming with me. For a while I used a Corsair 300r, which has served me well until now. After looking around for a travel friendly ATX case I realized that there really aren’t any. For that reason I would have to find a case that my parts physically fit into, and cram them in somehow.

Wot in tarnation happened to the style

Wew lad new colors It’s been about a minute since I’ve done anything with this site but I figured what better time to randomly post things then now. Before this update I mostly used some neato fonts but most of it was some boring Times New Roman thing, now the site doesn’tlook like a homework essay. But Why? I partly wanted to get my Gitlab page a bit more active but also because I didn’t like the self-conflicting style from before.